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Neck Lift In Sanatoga, PA

A neck lift improves the visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck. It’s a great way to make you feel confident about your appearance and look younger. In a nutshell, it restores the youthful contours of your neck. It is crucial to consider the neck when it comes to overall facial aesthetics. As we age, gravity causes sagging skin, wrinkles, and folds on our necks. Having a neck lift helps address these issues by removing excess skin and tightening underlying tissue.

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John Louis
woman s shoulder and neck 2022 02 08 08 33 08 utc - Neck Lift

Who Should Consider A Neck Lift?

  • Individuals who want to improve the visible signs of aging and restore the youthful appearance of their necks.
  • Individuals who want to address sagging skin under the chin and jaw (also known as turkey neck).
  • Individuals who desire a smoother, slimmer-looking neck profile by eliminating wrinkles and creasing.
  • Individuals who want to eliminate jowls and have a more defined jawline.
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What To Expect During A Neck Lift

A neck lift is an outpatient procedure that is done while under general anesthesia. The surgery can take up to three hours, during which the surgeon makes small incisions behind your ears, as well as a very small one under your chin. The muscles of the neck are lifted, and excess skin and fat are removed before the incisions are closed. Following the procedure, your neck may feel tight, and you may notice some bruising, which will fade in a few weeks. Follow the post-surgery instructions provided by your plastic surgeon.

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John Louis

The Benefits Of Neck Lift Surgery

A neck lift tightens the lower neck and jawline tissue. It also treats muscle banding for smoother skin and better contour. This cosmetic surgical procedure improves the texture of the skin in the neck, jawline, and throat. It minimizes the appearance of wrinkles, especially around the ears and at the base of your neck. A neck lift can help to improve visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline. Excess fat can build up as people age, making them appear heavier or older than they are. The goal of neck lift surgery is to achieve results that appear natural and balanced with the rest of your facial features.

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John Louis

Frequently Asked Questions

Is A Neck Lift Safe?

Every surgical procedure involves the possibility of complications. Your plastic surgeon will provide you with preparation instructions to help lower your risk of complications.

Does a Neck Lift Hurt?

There is some pain experienced by patients. It usually takes two weeks for swelling and bruising to subside.

What Is The Recovery Time For a Neck Lift?

Full recovery from a neck lift can take up to six weeks. During this time, you will gradually heal, and your bruising and swelling will subside.

Does A Neck Lift Leave Scars?

Neck lifts can be performed with minimal scarring and incisions. Incisions are hidden behind the ears and in the hairline. Having a highly skilled plastic surgeon perform your neck lift surgery can improve the results by minimizing scarring. You will also be counselled on how to care for and protect your skin following surgery.

What Other Procedures Can Be Performed With Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift surgery can be combined with liposuction, a facelift, or other cosmetic procedures.

Best Neck Lift Surgery In Sanatoga

Plastic Surgery Solutions is the best neck lift surgery practice in Sanatoga to restore the youthful contours of your neck. Book your neck lift consultation with Dr. John Louis today!

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